
I’m Matthew Kimberley and this is the home of Delightful Business, where we’re all about fun, freedom and flow.

It’s for you if you’ve got modest ambition, value time over money, and are slightly allergic to hustle and flex.

It’s also for you if you love the game of making cash and what it can do for you, like turn left when you get on a plane, or open that little bar in the Algarve as an early retirement plan.

We’re primarily for coaches round here, both by happy accident and design, but if you’re somebody who does any kind of service, and can read between the lines, then you’ll be able to extract a lot of goodness.

First thing you should do is click right now and get a copy of “5 Things You Need To Do Every Morning To Get More Clients In the Next Sixty Days.” 

It’s brilliant.

Then obsessively check out each of these links:

The Single Malt Mastermind – weird, exclusive, highly effective accountability.

Delightful Emails – email marketing done more delightfully.

Marketing for Coaches – binge listen to 100+ short episodes about marketing. For coaches.

The School for Selling – sales that don’t suck for the unschooled in selling.

Get A F*cking Grip – for when you need to get a grip. The Audible version is lit.

Lead Generation Ideas – coming soon. Guess what it’s about?

Pretirees – the home of Five Clients And A Telephone. Also coming soon.